#Search Engine Optimisation for #Indie Authors: How Far Should You Go?

A great post on SEO from Cate at CommuniCATE. If you don’t know what SEO is, read her post. If you do and think you should jump on the SEO bandwagon, read her post. Since I’ve read her post, I’ll just say I wish I did have an attic in which to write (at least, an attic not filled with fluffy insulation 🙂 )

4 responses to “#Search Engine Optimisation for #Indie Authors: How Far Should You Go?”

  1. Thanks for sharing it, Marie. Hmm. I am more of an attic writer myself. An attic writer who happens to hit “publish” on the screen. I forget there are stats available on WordPress. It seems boring to keep up with that kind of stuff, ya know? Like it would take all the fun out of writing.


    • I was keeping up with my stats for awhile, but it did take the fun out of blogging. It was too distracting. I definitely enjoy myself more when I’m focused on writing 🙂


    • Ha ha ha! I did try to understand some of this stuff when I first starting blogging. Too often I’ve had to remind myself that I started blogging simply because I wanted to write and I keep blogging because of the friends I’ve made. Stats mean nothing.
