Support My Favorite Dilettante!

On behalf of a dear friend, wonderful writer, and favorite dilettante, I ask that you drop whatever your doing (well, if you’re reading this on a laptop, you don’t want to literally drop it), and hop over to Helena Hann-Basquiat’s blog, in particular this post: A Very Unwelcome Swamp.  Helena’s friend and Kickstarter promoter has had the rather disgusting experience of a sewer line backing up into his basement.  I know, go ahead and say, “GROSS!”  Now that that’s out of your system, after you read Helena’s post, go over to Helena’s Kickstarter project at and either contribute yourself (you can participate for as little as $1) and promote the bloody hell out of it.

If you’re not familiar with Helena’s writing (and I don’t know how on earth that could be possible), spend some time on her blog.  Her stories at once make you laugh and tug at your heart.  If you prefer stories that are more along the lines of H.P. Lovecraft, then spend some time with Helena’s pet Jessica B. Bell.  In fact, Jessica has a number of short stories you can purchase at Amazon (click here).

So there are a number of ways you can show support for Helena and for Jim as well.  After all, it takes a village … even a virtual one 🙂

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7 responses to “Support My Favorite Dilettante!”

  1. Thank you, Marie! Spent last night tromping through disgusting mess, salvaging electronics and boxes of comic books and some really cool old board games (I suggested he open a vintage boutique type store, but we’ll see). Lots of furniture ruined, including a beautiful bar. After talking about it some more, they might have a lawsuit on their hands — the people who came to clear out the blockage didn’t close the trap, and that’s what caused most of the flooding.
    The good news is, the insurance company put Jim and his family up in a hotel until this is settled, so they are safe and comfortable.

    Not a very fun night, though. Came home tired and smelly and then saw Katie’s post last night and yours this morning, and felt very lucky to have such wonderful Helenistas at my back.
    Thank you again.


    • I’m so glad to hear that at least Jim and his family are safe and dry. He’s fortunate to have friends such as yourself 🙂 I hope he can get a settlement as I’m sure the insurance won’t cover as much as he’ll need. Thanks for the update 🙂
