More of “How I Spent My Thirtieth Wedding Anniversary” #bughunting #nature

Lest you think all we did for our thirtieth wedding anniversary was go for a fourteen-mile bike ride, here’s a continuation of the happy day. We went bug hunting. Well, actually, my husband was the bug hunter. I took pictures.

Bug hunting is so easy in Florida.

While the bike ride was refreshing, standing around in the hot, humid air of a Florida afternoon in August was the antithesis of refreshing.

Before I could experience any symptoms of heat stroke or heat exhaustion, I got some nice pictures of the longleaf pines that grace this forest tract.

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Due to logging, longleaf pines now only cover about three percent of their original range of 90 million acres ( Fortunately, private citizens, nonprofits, and government agencies are working together to restore longleaf pine forests. They can withstand many natural disasters such as tropical storms and hurricanes. Florida in particular shouldn’t take these trees for granted.

I know less about flowers than I know about trees. After searching around a bit on the internet, I believe these pretty yellow flowers are Partridge Pea. This link will take you to some more detailed pictures:

Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata)

After a short and slow walk (you know, when you’re bug hunting, you really do have to watch where you step), we found that we aren’t the only ones who enjoy being out in nature.

Almost makes me want to rest my feet for a spell.

But I’m not sure we’d care for the company of these strangers.

Spent ammunition because nothing says Florida more than a recliner and guns in the forest.

If you have a fancy for insects or macro photography or magnified insects, take a walk over to my husband’s Flickr account and have a look-see:

You know, I would never go bug hunting if it weren’t my husband’s interest. It just wouldn’t occur to me. Thanks his interest, though, I now know about the Elephant Mosquito.

Male Elephant Mosquito

Do you engage in activities because of a spouse or friend or family member that you otherwise wouldn’t even think about? How has that expanded your world?


20 responses to “More of “How I Spent My Thirtieth Wedding Anniversary” #bughunting #nature”

  1. You two are a fun couple! My husband does activities that he would never think about–all the movies and shows we see and most of the other places we go, too. I bet there were insects in that recliner. πŸ™‚ Your husband has taken some beautiful photos–I particularly like the star trails.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha ha! Thanks, Merril! We try to make fun out of everything we do πŸ˜‰ Greg has gone to book readings with me, other literary events that he wouldn’t have done on his own.
      I don’t doubt there were insects in that recliner, maybe even a snake curled up somewhere.
      I’ll share your comments with Greg. He doesn’t do anything to show off his work so I have to do it for him πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Anniversary. I shall not make any snide comments about how you spent it because I believe in live and let live. Also your photo confirms that you did, in a way, get flowers on your anniversary. And that’s nice.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Ally. Yes, you could say I got flowers on my anniversary πŸ˜‰ No worries about snide comments. I make plenty of them myself. I’m still getting used to Greg’s interest in bugs πŸ˜‰
