Macro Monday

The day is almost over but wait … there’s still time to post a macro!

Featured: a Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus) on a Butterfly Bush (Buddleja dividii).

Funny story: I bought the Butterfly Bush a few years ago and kept it in a pot on our deck for a long while. Although its blooms were profuse, I never saw any butterflies on it. Then we decided to plant it in our garden area (it was getting way too big for a pot). A year goes by. It blooms. Still no butterflies.

Until yesterday.

This skipper was so focused on feeding that I was able to take several photos.

Good things come to those who wait.

24 responses to “Macro Monday”

  1. Is a skipper a butterfly or a moth? I don’t suppose it really matters. It made me do a double take as it appears the size of a starling on that flowering bush. I love photos that surprise just because it takes your brain a few seconds to realize what it’s seeing.

    On the other hand, we used to get Luna moths in Shell Knob and their wing spread is easily the size of a large hand.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The skipper is a butterfly and on the small side. The flowers on the Butterfly Bush are very small so it makes sense that, in contrast, the skipper looks as big as a bird 🙂 I’m pretty sure I caught (with my iPhone camera) a Luna moth a few years ago at my workplace. I’ll dig around in my archive for that. It had positioned itself by a side entrance and tolerated a lot of photographs that day 😉


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