Essay Published in Babbel Magazine! #BabbelUSA #ampublished

I’m very excited to announce that my essay, “How I finally gave in to my ghost,” has been published by Babbel Magazine in First Person:

Quito, Ecuador

My efforts to learn Spanish spans decades, although most of the essay is focused on my experiences in Ecuador.

I hope you enjoy reading my essay as much as I enjoyed writing it. While you’re there (at, read some of the other essays. They’re fun and inspiring.

Never give up … on writing or learning a foreign language.

28 responses to “Essay Published in Babbel Magazine! #BabbelUSA #ampublished”

  1. Congratulations! That’s really cool 🙂 This is a lovely sentiment – I want to welcome them in their own language while I teach them mine.
    Germans being Germans in the heart of Ecuador tickled me, I must say haha! My battles with German continue so best of luck with your Spanish ghost!

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    • Thanks, Linda! I think the Germans I overheard in Banos were better at Spanish than I was. At least they seemed more relaxed and confident than I ever felt, but then, they were German 😉 My battles with Spanish are nothing compared to what you have to face with the German language. I recall those bureaucratic forms you would have to complete online … aargh!!

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  2. What a great piece, Marie! Loved it. (Loved the ’80s photos too!)

    This reminded me of when I went to Russia as a 20-year-old and learned the alphabet and a few phrases in advance. When I got there, I was helpless in the real world of Russians speaking Russian, even if I could read a few signs … Best intentions!

    Congrats on the publication, and it’s bound to inspire a lot of readers.

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  3. Congratulations, Marie! Wonderful essay–and great photos, too! I don’t speak another language either, and it makes me feel like the stereotypical ignorant American sometimes. I know people who speak several languages, and I think it’s so wonderful that they do. I’m pretty sure I could teach myself to be able to read some other languages, but speaking them is something else. 🙂

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  4. Yay, Marie! That was a great article! My niece spent a semester in Ecuador. She lived with a family and brushed up on her Spanish.

    I wish I learned more Mandarin. I spent part of a summer in Wujiang City (near Shanghai) teaching English to middle grade students. It was a great experience. I traveled with them and learned to bargain in shops. 😀

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    • Thank you! ❤️ I’m impressed you studied Mandarin. I can’t even imagine. My husband would say you learned the best way: through kids. When he was in Ecuador, he practiced his Spanish with kids because they were more receptive and more forgiving 😉
