#GoodreadsGiveaway for Eating Bull, a Thriller that Explores #Bodyshaming, #FoodAddiction, and #Obesity–Oh, and Is There Some Mischief Afoot?

Here’s a giveaway for those of you who enjoy novels of action, suspense, and public health importance! I’ve read and reviewed Carrie Rubin’s Eating Bull and loved it! Click on her post for details on the giveaway (as well as her story of what writers fear (almost) most: the “reader” who doesn’t read his or her free copy but just sells it. There’s a special place in h*ll for people like that 😉 ).

Carrie Rubin

If you’re in the U.S. and would like a chance to win one of two paperback copies of Eating Bull, click here or on the image below to enter the Goodreads giveaway. Ends January 23rd.

Good luck!

Click image to enter giveaway. Click image to enter Goodreads giveaway.

That Time I Made the Book Out to Bob

Many people are familiar with Goodreads. It’s a great place for readers to keep track of their books. A giant virtual bookshelf, so to speak. In addition, there are always hundreds of giveaways going on.

The hope is the winner of a book will eventually review and/or rate it. In my experience, that happens about 30% of the time. Most winners probably never get around to reading the book, or maybe they do and just don’t like it enough to give it another thought. But I sometimes wonder if there’s mischief afoot as well—people who enter numerous…

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12 responses to “#GoodreadsGiveaway for Eating Bull, a Thriller that Explores #Bodyshaming, #FoodAddiction, and #Obesity–Oh, and Is There Some Mischief Afoot?”

    • Hi, Claire! Check with Carrie for the UK release (you can also find her on Twitter). I really enjoyed the novel. There were some gruesome parts (hello, there’s a serial killer on the loose) but the character development is great, the story is fast-paced, and I think a pretty ingenious way to send out a public health message 🙂

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