A beautiful, emotionally charged dedication to our Ionia!


I wish for you a dragon’s fire
To breathe freedom to you
To raise you up on crystal wings
Far away from darker lands

It seems the purest souls
Are tested most these days
As though in exchange for generosity
Come ravages and pain
And so I cry to the heavens
Not this, not this again!
Let this dear friend find
Safe passage home
Victorious and complete

Hear me universe
Hear me now!

The essence of the earth to rise and comfort you
The essence of water, to quench your soul’s thirst
The essence of air, to gift you wide expanses
The essence of fire, to burn away all pain
I invoke all the elements
To be with you now
And bring you back to us safe
And healed in body and soul.

(c) Helen Valentina 2013, All Rights Reserved

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