Rebel [Writer] With a Creed

Thanks to Cate over at CommuniCATE, I found a creed that just might give me the boost I need to commit to working on my novel(s) this year.

Writer's Rebel Creed 2014full

The Rebel Writer’s Creed was developed by Sheri A. Larsen, in collaboration with followers of her blog.  If you want to “pledge,” all you need to do is sign up on her blog by clicking here.  And if you are feeling really ambitious (which I was at the moment), you can agree to one or two other commitments:

  1. Copy the CREED Badge and paste it on your site, encouraging others to join.
  2. Write one post a month somehow related to your journey in following the CREED. Choose a day and time to your liking. Just include the badge in your post, linking back to the original post so others can join in. Share your post via Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or however!

What I love about these additional but optional commitments is:  (a) #1 was particularly easy to do; and (b) #2 will help me track my progress without demanding that I spend more time posting to my blog than actually working on my novel(s).

So, what about you?  Care to join up?  Do you have creed of your own that you’re following for 2014?

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