From Anne R. Allen’s blog: How to Stay Safe in the Internet Jungle

One of the most informative (and frightening) posts I’ve read on trying to stay safe in the “wild frontier” that is (still) the Internet.  Click here to read Anne R. Allen’s post, “The Laws of the (Amazon) Jungle—Eight Rules Authors Need to Know to Stay Safe.”  Be sure to take notes.

12 responses to “From Anne R. Allen’s blog: How to Stay Safe in the Internet Jungle”

    • Yes, and I will never understand why. It’s so much more fun to be nice and get along and be supportive. I can only imagine that these “bullies” are miserable people who just want to make everyone else miserable too.


  1. Wow, lots of great advice there. I always make a point of it to steer clear of feces-throwing monkeys.

    To be honest, I haven’t run into much truly heinous stuff out there in literary venues. YouTube is another story. By and large, I find Amazon reviews to be fairly legit, but the lousy ones are easy to spot and disregard.


    • I think the problem is more with Goodreads and Amazon where “bad” reviews are given the cloak of legitimacy just because they are allowed to exist. Re: YouTube. Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert had a great skit about the kind of comments some people might make on YouTube, comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the clip: Ron Paul 2012! Yeah, it was The Colbert Report 🙂 Those kinds of comments are definitely easy to dismiss 🙂


      • True, and while they remain on the site they affect the average rating of the book. #nofair!

        I loved that Colbert bit, by the way. Rand Paul 2012!

        You need a new bumper sticker…


        • Oh, that’s right … it was RAND Paul 2012 … But Ron Paul was the one who ran (again and again and again …) By the way, if you happen to see Rand Paul on TV, take a good look at his eyes. I think he’s been sharing a tanning booth with Boehner 😉


  2. Thanks for sharing. Much good sense offered here. Trying to avoid cyber monkey poo, I have taken myself off of LInked In, where I used to keep my Nursing history profile, I touch Facebook with my connected blog and a few posts from time to time, and Goodreads, well, I did just what she said do, put the book there, made an author page, reviewed a few books, and I rarely go back…every once in a blue moon I will engage in a comment thread with authors/readers…very rare. I am probably not receiving the benefits of social marketing by keeping such a low profile…I just read a book about effective promotions and according to this author, there is so much more I could be doing. I dunno, playing it safe for now.


    • I think playing it safe is better than going all out and being a magnet for monkey poo. Since I’m not published, I don’t have any experience with much of what Anne wrote about, but I have head and seen evidence of it. We can’t immune ourselves from feces-throwing monkeys, but hopefully we can minimize their impact on us.


  3. Thanks much for the shout-out for the post! I’m glad people are spreading the word, so maybe some newbies can stay safe.

    sknicholls: That marketing book is probably one of the ones I warn against. Marketers are basically sending children into gang territory wearing a rival gang’s colors. They have no sense of how dangerous things can be. It’s partly they have old information and partly they haven’t actually been in the trenches. Do what feels safe to YOU.


    • Thanks, Anne. I’ve read quite a few posts about cyber-bullying but yours is the most informative I’ve seen yet. Not only do you outline how cyber-bullying occurs, but you offer ways to avoid it. I am involved in a number of social media, but I try to be very careful about who I engage with and what I say when I do engage. So my “following” grows slowly but that is probably a good thing 🙂
