July Camp NaNoWriMo


Hello, my fellow bloggers and blogettes! As many of you know, I am again throwing caution to the wind and entering another Camp NaNoWriMo writing challenge! I did one in April and was successful. That is, I reached my goal of 50 thousand words and actually had a beginning, middle, and end to the novel I was working on. Whether the novel is successful (i.e., readable) is another issue.

Because I’ve made this commitment (and I know a number of you probably think I should be committed), my presence in the blogosphere will be spotty over the next 30 days. Not only have I challenged myself with another 50 thousand words, but I have cabin mates this time. My dear friend, Patti Hall over at 1WritePlace, is a cabin mate. She and a few other mates are already ahead of me in word count and it’s only been one effing day! (Of course, Patti’s snoring kept me up most of the night. I’ll either have to sleep outside or put a pillow over her head.)

Anyway, I digress (as usual … and that’s my secret to winning NaNoWriMos … I digress a lot). I won’t be going totally off the radar, but just wanted to give everyone notice in case you miss me. (And you ask, “how can I miss you if you won’t go away” …. one of my favorite songs from Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks).

22 responses to “July Camp NaNoWriMo”

  1. Number one: you are nuts.
    Number two: ear plugs! (a pillow over my head? That would be good friend murder!)
    Number three: you have a life, I do not, so you get a break IMHO.
    Number four: it is too early for that music, but i tapped my toes to it anyway.
    Patti, now famous for my snores


    • Number one: Goes without saying.
      Number two: I’ve tried that. Ear plugs hurt my ears, but I’ll forgo the pillow treatment.
      Number three: No, I have a day job. There’s a difference between that and life 😉
      Number four: It’s never too early for Dan Hicks!
      Marie, now infamous for her insanity
